Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sickness, Valentine's Day & Xanadu all bundled up.

I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I have been very sick this past week. I haven't been this sick in years, or possibly ever. There was even a point two days ago where I was in so much agony from coughing that I had to cry for a minute. It's kind of funny, but on the other hand, this illness has been pretty brutal. I'm slowly getting better day by day, thanks to having spent four days laying in bed watching copious amounts of HGTV. Apparently, watching people get their living rooms redecorated is quite soothing.

Today is Valentine's Day. It's the perfect day to watch the classic 1980 film Xanadu. There is no better movie to watch on Valentine's Day, and there is no better movie to watch when you are sick. Roller skating, dancing, moderately bad acting, music by ELO, Michael Beck roller skating into/through a brick wall wearing extremely short shorts... I mean, what more could you ask for? It's not only magical, it's pure perfection. Unfortunately, most people I know do not share this opinion. Their loss, I say. If you know what's good for you, you'll go watch Xanadu right now, or at least listen to these fun (and beautifully sappy) classic songs from the film. Happy Valentine's Day all!


Natasha said...

So, was "Candadu" a typo, a Freudian slip, or some kind of pun?

Natasha said...

Oh crap, I just made a typo while correcting your typo. How embarrassing. :D

Melissa Robot said...

Hahahaha.... lolz at both Canadu AND Candadu. It's the Canadian Xanadu and the Canadian Dad Xanadu. I don't know. The things you let slip when you are ill. Can't believe I didn't catch that. I have completely failed at trying to have our blog be typo-less!